By Margareta Odlin
June 29, 2020
Even though you might be going through some really difficult times at the moment. Being it emotional, financial or physical, the findings are showing that there are five areas of growth for those who have experienced traumatic events: 1. Discovery of new opportunities not available before. 2. Closer relationships with other people, especially those who are experiencing the same trauma or grief. 3. Greater appreciation for life. 4. Greater sense of personal strength. 5. Spiritual growth. When you are feeling low and have a feeling of hopelessness and despair, it is hard to pick yourself up from that state of mind. That’s why your social network – friends and family, are your most important resources in times like these. They are a very important step to your overall recovery. As well, I suggest to my client to have a recovery list somewhere in the house in an “emergency” when they feel stuck and have nothing positive to say about their future. A list like this is made on a day when they are feeling good and hopeful about their future. It’s a list to themselves to feel better. Some of the things on my list are: 1. Exercise. 2. Seeing a friend. 3. Sleeping. 4. Having a massage. 5. Seeing a funny movie. These are only suggestions. Some of the things on my list might not even be to your liking, but you get the drift. These are the things that make me happier or more open for a shift in my thinking. The objective is to do something different from what you are doing in the moment of your sadness or despair. These activities can change your internal negative tape which runs inside your head when you feel down. It is important to make a personal note to yourself stating what makes you feel better and how long it takes for the change to occur. This is how you can see for yourself that it is possible to shift your thinking and at the same time, not only learn about yourself, but also grow as a person by overcoming various challenges in your life.